20 Sept 2009

Establishing fields for exploration

I'm about to start an MA in Interactive Media next week, and I thought it might be helpful to use this public/private space to try and come up with some a short list of what I'm interested in, with the hope on being able to boil it down to some kind of off-the-cuff couple of sentences. Lets see what happens:

  • the effect of the internet on social relations - I'm thinking particularly in terms of the re-ordering of face-to-face social interactions (ie. meeting people through the internet), on the generation of co-operative enterprises and the way the format of social networking sites shifts the way people talk and interact with each other - often through simple technologies (e.g. column width)
  • the aesthetics of interface, especially in terms of making an interface feeling tangible - especially through synaesthesia.
  • non-manipulative strategies for utilising marketing and surveillance technologies to turn 'control society' back on its head.
  • simple interventions which show a certain field of relations in not just a new light, but one that makes the interactions clearer to see.
  • the possibilities of speech recognition technology for exploring literary aesthetics and Wittgensteinian notions of 'coronas' of meaning.
  • the generation of optimism and helplessness through certain interactive technologies, set against the conceptual problems of hope especially in terms of anthropological difference. (and we might ask here: can machines hope? what is it they can't do?)
  • the ordering of concepts and knowledge - modes of categorisation and relation.

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